Britney Spears 432 HZ Healing

Britney is so kind even after all the abuse and trauma
keep dancing till the world ends
every regular joe had the biggest crush on Britney….passenger with Iggy pop outrun video
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12 Replies to “Britney Spears 432 HZ Healing”

  1. I know the internet has been scrubbed of the footage, but I wonder what really was going on in downtown New York pack in September of 2001?…. Like is some of the footage real and they just overlaid some fake buildings on top so you wouldn’t see bombs exploding or actual dead people on TV? Guess we’ll never know

  2. Don’t cry Britney

    Britney Spears has a net worth of $59 million…..take 9 million of the money and run…..Divide the rest up with your family

    WE live the middle class life….people hate u when u are rich…..and they hate when u r poor….the trick is to stay in the middle

    not @ the top of the ladder…or the bottom….THE MIDDLE


    The Beach

    Far away from Harvey Levin and Dan Schneider’s wiener…

    my so called life partner is a shopaholic material girl. She is turning me into a debt slave…..always racking up the visa buying Amazon JUNK

    making Jeff Bezos rich

    and me poor

  4. 7 vials of Britney blood a week

    For they have shed the blood of the
    holy ones and the prophets, and you
    have given them blood to drink; it is what they deserve.

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